Thursday, May 17, 2007

Time for an Alien Czar?

So now, we have a 'war czar' in the name of General Doug Lute. So what is the going to be the role of this new position? Don't we already have a war 'Czar' (Russian for 'Caesar' or 'all powerful Emperor') aka 'Commander in Chief' or simply 'The Decider"? If not him, what is the role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of War (I mean 'Defense', which was called the Department of War as recently as World War II)?

We know how well American 'Czars' turn out. We have a Drug Czar, and the last time I checked, the War on Drugs has only gotten worse over the last 40 years, only now there is more violence. And they now have a 'Katrina Czar', which can't hurt since some of the destroyed homes haven't even been rebuilt in the poorest neighborhoods of New Orleans, much less rebuilt. No wonder why so many people will not return there. Can you blame them.

So along with the Department of Homeland Security, we have with this 'Republican' Administration an ever expanding governmental bureaucracy as well as a bottomless pit of spending for Iraq, so the GOP better tread softly on attacking the Dems as the Party of Big Goverment. Now here's a chance for the Dems to reverse the tide: They can be the reformers and waste eliminators of the Federal Budget. If they have guts that is, but unfortunately, I don't think they have any.

But while I'm on the subhect of 'Czars'. It was reported today that both Parties have reached a 'historic' compromise on illegal immigration and it goes like this: If you broke our laws after 2000 (not sure of the cutoff dates) who can stay in this country and become an American citizen after paying a fine of 4000 and having 8 years to do it. Can I have 8 years with no accrued penalties if I owe the IRS or a jaywalking ticket?

I still can't find a job after 5 years and that's just what the country and American workers need - more people to take jobs from law abiding citizens, while our own Government claims that the illegals only take jobs that 'Americans' won't do. Tell that to New Bedford, Ma. 8 to 10% unemployed, when the raid on a garment factory that was subcontracted to make vests for the US military and the place was full of undocumented workers.

So where is the Alien Czar? Where is the guy to ensure that jobs go to Americans first, and 'guest workers' only get the jobs that are left. If the Mexicans don't like it, let them go look for jobs in Guangzou, China or Bangalore, India. That's where the jobs are. Just ask the Human Resources Department of any AMerican Corporation.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul, I agree with you on a few levels and have a thing or two to add.
Why do we feel the need to name a 'czar' for problems that are usually created by the government itself?
Didn't we spend the 80's trying to pound Russia into submission?
Wasn't the ultimate insult in those times to be called a commie?
Why are we using those 'bastard commie's' titles for our appointed (not elected) officials?

I call bullshit on this whole country. Or at least its government.


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