Springfield VT. was chosen as the Premiere Site for the Simpson's Movie coming out in two weeks. Springfield was chosen out of a field of 14 other Springfields (a common named city totalally something like 56) that were 'large' enough to have a movie theater and was deemed the most 'Simpson like' of all the Speingfields.
I heartily concur.
I have visited a few Springfields myself and Bruce and I stumbled on this particular Springfield Father's Day weekend in 2006 when we were camping in nearby Crowne Point Camping ground. (We were there again this year, where I sprained my leg, ouch!).
It was a rainy Saturday and as such we were unable to get a campfire going for breakfast so we hopped into the truck to hunt down some scrambled eggs. We were diverted on the main 'highway' and we wondered why, since it was not a holiday weekend. Well, in a way it was, since it turned out to be Alumni Weekend in Springfield, which included a Parade of Shriners and anyone who graduated (from the high school? any school in Springfield?) in a year that ended in 6. It was comical as you had a few old timers from the class of 1946 or maybe '66. Add a fire engine or two, have everyone in town (a few hundred maybe) turn out and can you say PAR-TY?
We had no choice of course, but we found a parking place outside an old , mill or factory that had its own waterfall out front amd it was easy to imagine thus place as the Nuclear Power Plant of Homer's hometown. It is definitely a small town where everyone probably gathers at the local 'Moes' and knows everyone else's business. Bruce even commented that he wondered if this Springfield was the one Matt Groening had in mind.
We asked a local what was all the hubbub was about and she looked at us as uf we werw aliens from iut of space. There was a street banner over 'Main Street' (the local pizzeria was closed for the event, which I thought was strange) that proclaimed 'Welcome Alumni' and she said its Alumni Weekend - Doh!
After the conclusion of the Parade and me buying batteries at the local Radio Shack (am independent one - 5 packs for $10, instead of the usual 4) we headed down to the Royal Flush where all the townsfold, alumni and their families met for breakfast - I had a tuna salad on toast which was goodm but I sent it back because I wanted my toast darkerm but it was a good sandwich and Springfield, (VT) seems like the all American town that is becoming a rarity.
Congrats Springfield!
PS I have no idea why I can't put a title on here - New Blogger is a pain in the ass.
New blogger bad.
Springfield Oregon good.
I wish Springfield Oregon would of won - though i have never been to the Vermont one.
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