Episode 200

The scene is from somewhere in Western Maryland, west of Cumberland. In a previous post, I mentioned how we 'collect' states. But that means different things to different people. Some people 'count' a state by merely having a layover in some new airport. These people are wimps. Bruce's view is he has to physically step on the ground outside of an airport for it to count. My general rule of thumb is to try, at best to remain in a state for at least 24 hours if I can, with some exceptions, travel through it for several hours at ground level and it must be during the day. I once traveled from Boston to Las Vegas on AMTRAK, taking a long scenic route via Chicago to Seattle, down the California coast and busing it home to Vegas. By that measure, I have 'visited' North Dakota and Montana having spent several hours traveling through these states during the day, but not Idaho or Minnesota, which I slept through. Wisconsin, either, for that matter, because it was only light around Madison. I saw enough to know that I'd like to come back for another visit.
So we traveled through Maryland for a few hours before reaching the border of West Virginia and our next nights stop at the McCoy - Hatfield feud site in Metawan on the West Virginia/Kentucky state line. We deliberately went slightly off course as we saw a sign for a 'Scenic Lookout' and to give Bruce a chance to step on Maryland soil. As you can see, Maryland pretty much looks like Pennsylvania.
This is Episode 200 of the Scorched Pig. Hope y'all been enjoying the ride so far. Its been awhile, I know, for I have been undergoing changes and 'trasitioning', but the Odyssey will continue.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!
And Happy Hannukkah, Day 6! Shalom. Been witnessing this first hand!